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The Presidency
(February, 2016)
This guideline is issued with a view to have an effective pilgrim’s’ data base so as to establish and maintain an adequate information system and proper coordination of Nigerian pilgrims in line with the commission’s mandate.
Therefore, all the state Muslim pilgrim’s welfare Boards/ commissions/ Agencies (SMPWB/C/A) shall adhere to the following in the registration of their intending pilgrims for 2016 hajj:
1.1 The registration centre(s) should serve as enrolment centre(s) for intending pilgrims within the area(s) and must be located:
i. In a secure and conducive environment; and
ii. In government/Board owed facility.
1.2 The registration must be conducted within designated working hours as stipulated by the SMPWB/A/C.
1.3 A visible sign with words “PILGRMS REGISTRATION CENTRE’’; SMPWB/C/A’s name and centre number with stipulated working hours clearly displayed in a conspicuous part of the centre for the awareness of members of the public.
1.4 The registration centre must be equipped with the following:
i. Standard office furniture;
ii. Computer systems with printers, UPS and scanners;
iii. Internet connectivity;
iv. Passport reader (3M, AT9000 full page reader or OCR640);
v. Digital camera with at least 15 mega pixels;
vi. Barcode reader;
vii. Finger print reader (M2SYS);
viii. Photocopy machines; and
ix. Backup power supply (inverter, solar, generator etc).
1.5 In the event of any major challenge while conducting the on-line registration or system failure, the manual option backup should be adopted.
2.1 REGISTRATION OFFICER: All SMPWB/C/A’s Registration officers must fulfil the following requirements;
i. Must be a Muslim, bonafide and authorized staff of the SMPWB/C/A;
ii. Must display his/her valid identity card during the registration exercise;
iii. Must be of good moral standing and must not have previous criminal record or under any investigation for fraudulent activities by any law enforcement government agency;
2.2 INTENDING PILGRIMS: All intending pilgrims must fulfil the following requirements;
i. Must be a Muslim;
ii. Must have a valid Nigerian travel documents and must have a known identity and a reputable guarantor with documentary evidence;
iii. Must be mature, sane, healthy, medically and physically fit to undertake the journey (certified by a recognized Hospital/ clinic/ medical centre).
iv. Must have basic understanding of the religion and conscious of the obligatory hajj rites to be observed;
v. Female intending pilgrim must be accompanied by a genuine mahram or his authorized representative with documentary evidence;
vi. Must provide a valid declaration and proper documentation of his/her particulars (guarantor form endorsed by a known reputable guarantor acceptable to the SMPWB/C/A, medical record form endorsed by a qualified physician from a government Hospital);
vii. Must have a passport with validity period of at least 6 months from the date of departure and acceptable to Saudi Arabia (the registration officer should note any passport with less than ten (10) months validity period on the registration and notify the board/C/a for appropriate further necessary action);
viii. Must be a good moral and must not have previous criminal record in the united kingdom of Saudi Arabia;
ix. Must not be restricted from travel by a court of competent jurisdiction or under any travel restriction by any law enforcement government agency;
x. Must not have been involved in any misconduct act(s) during previous Hajj or Umrah.
3.1 The SMPWB/C/A should download the unified pilgrims registration form from the commission’s website to be duly completed by each intending pilgrim.
3.2 The SMPWB/C/A may charge a processing fee of a maximum of =N=500.00 per form.
3.3 The intending pilgrim should thereafter undergo proper screening as well as medical screening with the medical centre or doctor accredited by the SMPWB/C/A.
3.4 The medical report and the duly completed registration form filled by each intending should be submitted to the registration officer at the designated centre.
3.5 The registration officer should thereafter cross check the form and medical record to ensure compliance and if satisfied he should proceed and register the applicant or otherwise reject as deemed appropriate.
3.6 Consideration should first be given to first timers in the registration exercise.
3.7 A copy of all duly registered intending pilgrims form should be forwarded to the commission, while the original hard copy should be kept in the custody of the SMPWB/C/A for record purposes for a period of not less than ten (10) years. The intending pilgrim should have a duplicate copy if requested.
3.8 All intending pilgrims must physically be at the registration centre for appropriate documentation.
4.1 The acceptable mode of payment shall be by bank draft, direct cash payment or e-payment paid into the designated bank account of the SMPWB/C/A.
4.2 Upon confirmation of payment by the SMPWB/C/A an official receipt should be given to the intending pilgrims in evidence that payment has been made.
4.3 The receipt should clearly specify the following:
i. Full name of the pilgrim;
ii. Actual amount paid; and
iii. Purpose and category of payment made.
4.4 Payment may be made in three instalments as follows:
i. 1st instalment: 50% of the immediate previous hajj fare as announced by NAHCON;
ii. 2nd instalment: 35% of the immediate previous hajj fare as announced by NAHCON; and
iii. 3rd and final instalment: the outstanding balance of the year’s hajj fare as formally announced by NAHCON.
5.1 Registration officer may decline to register a pilgrim on the following grounds:
i. If the intending pilgrim behaves in a disorderly manner at the registration centre;
ii. If the intending pilgrim is seem to be of a questionable character;
iii. If the registration officer has reasons to believe that the information given by the intending pilgrim is false;
iv. If there is a strong suspicion that the intending pilgrim may likely abscond;
v. If the intending pilgrim frail or aged without an accompanying aid;
vi. If the intending pilgrim failed to complete his/her payment within the stipulated time limit (refund of the deposited amount should be made to the pilgrim forthwith);
vii. If the intending pilgrim is registered by proxy; and
viii. Ineligible applicant
6.1 Training: The SMPWB/C/A shall provide adequate training programme with varied and comprehensive training materials as centres with qualified trainers as nears as possible to the locality of the indenting pilgrims.
6.2 The training materials must be built upon the relevant manual provided by NAHCON and provides a certificate of attendance and competence to each attendee.
6.3 Each intending pilgrim should ensure attendance at the training session with not less than 70% attendance score.
6.4 Vacation: The SMPWB/C/A shall ensure that all intending pilgrims are appropriately vaccinated in accordance with WHO requirements.
7.1 The SMPWB/C/A shall make all necessary arrangement for visa processing for each intending pilgrims. Visa officer should endeavour to update the SMPWB/C/A records as appropriate.
7.2 The SMPWB/C/A shall ensure that visa application form for each of its intending pilgrim is duly completed in both hard and soft copy online.
7.3 That the pilgrims should provide the requisite passport photographs
These guidelines provide for pilgrims ‘registration
requirements and may be reviewed by the commission from
time to time as the need arises. Noncompliance with any
provision of this guidelines shall attract sanction in line with
the extant provisions provided under the hajj & umrah
(registration, licensing and operations) Regulations, in
addition to reduction of slot allocation.