The functions of the division among others are as follows:
i. Costodian of Tour OperatorsRegistry
ii. Announcement of application to interested Tour Operators for Hajj allocation
iii. Registration of Tour Operator companies in the Commission
iv. To pre-qualify those companies who have met the Commission’s set standard before issuance of license
v. Request for security vetting of applicant companies and their Directors before registration with Commission
vii. Custodian of both financial and operational records of the Tour Operator companies
viii. Allocation of Hajj slots to qualified Tour Operator Companies
ix. Routine physical inspection of the offices of the Tour Operator Companies in cunjunction with Licensing and Inspectorate Division
x. Coordination and monitoring of Umrah and Hajj activities of the Licensed Tour Operator Companies both onshore and offshore
xi. The Division is also in charge of streamlining the excesses of the companies who violate Saudi guidelines and NAHCON laid down standards.
xii. Issuance of Recommendation letter to the Licensed Tour Operators Companies for consideration in the Saudi Embassy and Consulate.
xiii. Release of Pilgrims during a visit to Makkah and Madina both ways as the case may be.
xiv. Clearance for Pilgrim proceeding to Jeddah and Madina Airport for final Departure.