Consequent upon the indefinite suspension of Max Air domestic operations by the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), it is imperative to clarify that the suspension does not and won’t affect the ongoing Hajj airlift operation in Saudi Arabia.
The clarification became necessary to assuage and calm the pilgrims and relatives back at home that the suspension order is limited to their domestic air services which does not affect their charter and international operations. This is because the clamp down was on the Airline’s Boeing 737 aircraft which has been the crux of the NCAA audit query for some time. The aircraft being used for airlift of Nigerian Pilgrims is not the same as the one on their domestic route.
Therefore, the Commission wishes to assure all Nigerians and the pilgrims in particular, that the ongoing airlift of Nigerian pilgrims will continue undisturbed and that the Airline will continue to utilize the slots allocated to it by the Saudi General Authority in Civil Aviation (GACA) unhindered.
We want to thank all Nigerians and pilgrims for their patience and perseverance and to assure of the Commission’s commitment to airlift all Nigerian pilgrims to Nigeria in record time.
Mousa Ubandawaki
Deputy Director, Information & Publications Division