Eid-al Adha is a celebration of sacrifice. Circumstances surrounding this year’s eid-al-adha are those that demand an additional kind of sacrifice from intending pilgrims worldwide. It is a sacrifice by millions of faithfuls who would have desired to assemble on the plains of Arafat in answer to the call of their Lord. But for a virus too minute to be seen by the naked eyes, these approximately 2.5 million Muslims could not perform Hajj this year.
We give gratitude to Allah despite the obstacle and pray Allah to accept our sacrifices. We ask Him to accept ibadat of the selected Hujjaj, blessed by the Almighty Himself to worship Him on the plains of Arafat this 2020. May He grant them Hajj mabrur and clear the path for the rest of His worshippers to humble themselves before Him in the next 2021 Hajj season.
As we celebrate this eid, may Allah The Most Benevolent turn our prayers, devotions, sacrifices, charities and remembrance of Him into atonement for our inadequacies. May He expiate our sins and eradicate the bedevilling corona virus that has prevented mankind from enjoying the free luxuries of life that we have taken for granted.
Let me here, on behalf of board members and staff of NAHCON, pledge our commitment to Nigerian intending pilgrims. We promise to deploy all arsenals towards organizing a successful 2021 Hajj for Nigerian intending pilgrims and other stakeholders. We remain hopeful that the Almighty will permit Hajj to take place without threat to human health.
From the stables of NAHCON, we wish Muslims all over the world eid mubarak. May we all live long to celebrate many more eids.
Alhaji Zikrullah Kunle Hassan,